
rally time
status check - sleepily optimistic
background ambiance - courtney love, being weird on leno

a plan was hatched this evening - a movement, really. a movement that will not move at all beyond this initial hypothetical stage, but nevertheless. we can feel good for feeling proactive - if even only for a moment.

was delighted to learn that among those sharing the bill with mraz at the boston show is bushwalla's dj - dj bob neck snapp. so i share this information with my future company for the show and, naturally, she replies, "but bushwalla needs to be there too!"

well, obviously. how much would that rock? but it shouldn't stop there. mr. pthurston should come too.

so we spoke of our plans to beseech bushwalla and petition pete to attend.

i think much of it was thinking of what a killer show that would be. but it also came down to the chance to use alliteration. gotta be honest.

anyway. sleep calls, looooong day tomorrow.

i thought for sure kwame was going to win. huh.

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