
haven't done one of these in ages ...
status check - good but a little tired
background ambiance - silence

last night i tried to fall asleep at a reasonable hour, but i was ridiculously awake. thoughts were running through my mind and the final pulses of adrenaline kept me alert, no matter how hard i tried to push them into my subconscious. i was half-expecting something exciting to happen - or at least something that would keep me awake. i've started to grow used to having something present it self to be handled just as i start to settle into a sense of calm. my body thought it would continue, even at 1 a.m.

i even woke up early - early for me, that is. awake at 7:30, i tried to drift back to sleep, but i kept waking every ten minutes or so. i've finally accepted that the non-logical part of me wants to be awake. funny that now i feel a little tired.

anyway. thought i'd answer a fridayfive, since i haven't in eons. i think i've actually answered this one in the past, but hey, it's all good.

what was the first band you saw in concert?
my first show/concert was sharon, lois & braham. i saw it at the flynn when i was seven, i think. but as far as real concerts, my first two shows were new kids on the block. i saw them when i was nine - the first show was in richmond, va., the second in montreal. i even wrote about the montreal experience for our class "newspaper," describing the trip up and the show itself. early signs that i was meant to be a journalista?

who is your favorite artist/band now?
there are many potential answers to this, none of which i can answer simply. i have a lot of musical loves. i suppose, if i had to pick one that i were to label as my favorite, it would be mraz (surprise, surprise, eh?). but among a list of my favorites, one would find mraz, hday, averi, bushwalla, matty nay, rilo kiley and gpage. please note that i said "among a list" - there are many more.

what's your favorite song?
again, a tricky question. this changes frequently, depending on my mood and other factors. this minute, i would say mraz's "the darkest space," although "galaxy" is right up there too. gpage's "don't look back" is brilliant as well and i've been listening to averi's "flood" frequently lately (although "daffodils" and "flutter" still remain top choices for favorite averi song).

if you could play any instrument, what would it be?
gee-tar. and if i ever finally get around to practicing it continuously, i will eventually know how to play it.

if you could meet any musical icon (past or present), who would it be and why?
there are several i'd like to meet now, but i feel as if this answer requires a look to the past. what's the point in wasting my answer on someone i could potentially meet now? i'd still go with jim morrison.

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