
status check - fine
background ambiance - the frames, rent day blues

i had almost forgotten how much i enjoy living with someone. so nice to walk through the door, say "hello!" and hear a "hi there!" in response from upstairs. the fact that it's beth makes me all the happier. although we (by which i mean i) need to work on this whole opposite schedule thing.

in completely unrelated news - funny when you realize people don't have the same thought processes as you do ... i would have thought it goes without saying. but it's all good. whatever.

it's friday - but, since i'm the ever-nice colleague, it's really thursday. figure that one out. eh? eh?

the man i'm used to seeing almost every day as i walk by (or in, as is often the iced coffee case) dunkies is, i believe, the man found by the waterfront yesterday morning. never knew him, but we said hello once, and i still feel a sense of loss. much as if the d.c. corner prophet (i realize now that i used to think of her as a curbside prophet, in a completely non-mraz-related way) by union station, who scolded me and others for our coffees, cell phones or anything else, or the mud-caked woman by the fountain, who always said "hello there, honey," in a ragged whisper, were to pass. never a chief player in my life, but played a supporting role in my day-to-day travels for a time.

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