
etc. etc. etc.
status check - 2 apts down, X to go
background ambiance - 6 p.m. news

those in the area who read the paper may have seen the two stories today of mine that ran today (or perhaps you didn't. in which case, you suck. kidding. xoxox). decidely not happy, feel good stories, to say the least (one on a pair of robberies, the other on ... well, it was sad. fire and animals). so upon arriving to work in my emo-emoting madness (so it seems from previous post, anyway), i was looking forward to something more ... upbeat. happy. i'd even be down with something bubbly to write.

instead, i get a story even more distressing that those previous. nothing like asking police to describe the details of an accident. ew. sad.

i have been given a huge ray of late-afternoon sunshine, however. as i walked back in from my second apartment visit, one of my editors asked if i'd be up for covering a play (musical, no less) tomorrow night.

lalalalalalalalalala, again - only this time i'm singing happily. everything else'll get done - gotta have fun along the way.

p.s. go here. pre-order. revel in the sd goodness and be all sorts of ahead of the game. i'll be doing the same.

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