
status check - blah
background ambiance - howie day "morning after" - 11.03.03

i'm sick of feeling lethargic and lazy. time to get back into shape. heading to the gym (well, exercise room). but before i do, a couple of notes:

- think good musical thoughts around 7 tonight. averi'll be playing its set at the mass 9/11 fund event. sharing the billing with bnl and guster - i hope it goes well for them.
- found this today and it amused me. from hd's 11.03.03 (birthday? what birthday?) show in texas and needed to post it. (no, i didn't dictate it - that was jordan)

Alright, here we go, we're gonna unite the whole room. I've
been waitin' for it, I've been waitin' for the moment to feel
right, and I think this is the moment...we're gonna unite in
hatred against...people that suck, 'cause that's a
pretty...pretty normal thing to hate. It is true, about 90%
of people...suck, I've done a, uh...a survey. Just think of
someone that you had a really good time with, and someone
that you really were close to, maybe even had kind of a
serious relationship with...and then they...you called them
up one day and they sorta said, "Hi...No." Just think about
that person, and come to the dark side with me, and
sing...with hatred....we're gonna, we're gonna sing a little
song about those motherfuckers. On the count of
***Crowd Sings***
I think if you did it about half--maybe twice as loud as that
it'd be good. This time we'll all sing with you on
stage, 'cause we all know this song, don't we? Listen to how
quiet it is in here, I like it....okay, feel the hatred...
***Crowd Sings***
That was pretty good, but I still think...I still think
there's no way that those of you who aren't singing haven't
been burned at least once and can muster up the
hatred...maybe Les and I have to do a little solo to get you
***Les solos***
Alright, here we go. Swear to God, fucking scream it at the
top of your lungs, it's all about...it's all about comradery
at this point in the night. If you let your guard down you
might get that hot girl next to you, she'll think, "Oh, he's
so...comfortable with himself." Otherwise, if you don't
sing, you play the cool card, you're all like, "Yeah,
huh...Howie Day's pretty good, huh? I saw him a couple years ago, it was awesome." That's not the way to do it,
Bitch fuck, scream it loud, scream it loud, huh huh!

p.s. no response yet. should i wait another week and a half before i view no response as its own response? and wait - why does it matter?

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