
love the poltz
status check - pondering utilities, parking and the like
background ambiance - weezer, say it ain't so (yeah!!)

apartments on the brain. i'm preparing to walk over a couple of streets to check out a potential new home. i'm going to an "apartment showing." i hate those - i always feel as if i'm going to compete with others in a potential renter pageant. and i'd be prepared to beat down the winner with my runner-up roses. gimme that tiara, bee-atch.

fortunately, the one and only steve poltz brought me out of my home search mindset for a few moments, making me laugh out loud with the following. i thought i'd share it and hopefully brighten your wednesdays while i'm off asking about gas or electric heat.

take me oot the ballgame (excerpt from 04.04.04 journal)

As they say in canada; "take me oot the ballgame eh? take me oot to the crowd. buy me some beer eh? screw the crackerjacks just get me a beer eh or i'll puck ya in da mouth der eh boy." blah blah blah "fer it's 1--2--3 srikes yer oot at the old ball yaaard."

my music listening patterns have begun to return to some vickie classics - i'm quite pleased. jeff buckley has been on my mind as of late - rereading "dream brother" and have been listening to "grace" and various mp3s constantly. weezer has also made a series of strong appearances on my playlist. i haven't found any that dog yet, though. i sense a trip to pure pop in the near future.

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