
Pink chalk.

I felt infinitely better as I was swept by a warm breeze pushing down the street. The belt on my light green trench coat (hello, spring clothing, how I've missed thee!) danced about a bit during the moments it wasn't slapping against my side in time to the rhythm of my steps. The rain was holding off for the moment, but this breeze hinted at its approach and I knew I should enjoy this last pre-shower excursion outside.

I walked to the park, noting those relaxing on the City Hall steps and on the benches surrounding the fountain that will soon begin to spring water once again. As I stopped to observe the spinning spheres (a random art installation that popped up late in the fall and has fascinated me throughout the winter), I noticed messages scrawled on the pathway in hot pink chalk. The second, located just beyond the place I normally stop, caught my eye.

"You may not always feel lucky, but be smart enough to try. Inspired by Ani."

I grinned. The timing of it could not have been better. I was feeling both lucky AND smart.

A few moments were spent smiling and contemplating the serendipitous series of events that led me to the park at that moment. Then I practically skipped my way back inside.

Random side note: I'm becoming addicted to Ben Lee's "Catch My Disease." I've liked it since I first purchased "Awake Is the New Sleep," but now I can't stop listening to it. I attribute much of it to spring. Happy song for a happy season.

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