
Racing the light.

Originally uploaded by alternacoustic.
This one's for Paul. So it's a little (or a lot) after the fact...but hey. I finally had camera in hand for the sunset tonight and I wasn't going to miss it again.

He didn't seem to believe me when I said we'd catch the light.

From the top of the hill on Main Street, we could see ripples of magenta on the underside of dark layered clouds. The lake glowed pale blue. It was my favorite time of day on the lake, and he wanted to capture it on film. I turned my car down the hill.

At the first stoplight, he craned his neck to see if the lake was still pale. Becca and I snickered as we reassured him we'd make it.

At the second light, I kept my foot as lightly on the brake as possible, as the magenta had already appeared less vibrant.

As I pulled into the waterfront parking lot, we groaned. Two, maybe three minutes had passed, but we'd already lost the light. The lake scene had dimmed to subdued indigos too dark to show up on film.

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