
Ah ha

Consider this a P.S. of sorts. Yesterday, I wrote:

I wasn't terribly surprised, as a result, to see someone who looked suspiciously like Les Hall (Howie's keyboardist/guitarist on the full band tours and now keyboardist for Trey's latest project). Anyone happen to know if that was him?

Today, on Higher Ground's website:

Trey Anastasio will unveil his new project Friday, April 1st at the Higher Ground in So. Burlington. Doors will open at 8:00 pm, showtime will be 9:00 pm. This will mark the first appearance of Trey's new band, featuring Peter Chwazik (bass), Les Hall (keyboards), Ray Paczkowski (keyboards) and Skeeto Valdez (drums).

I think I was riiiiight. And no, I'm not going.

Speaking of not going...my four-concert week is down to three. Ryan's being wise and resting his throat tonight, which means Higher Ground revelry has been postponed. Hope he feels better soon.

And the weekend starts...now. Later.


Anonymous said...

Les Hall and other new Trey band members are in Burlington all this month rehearsing for tour

Anonymous said...

Makes sense...thanks for the confirmation.

Anonymous said...

Band in South Burlington:

OK, ill chime in on this one. I was in ATL and the band is really good. I have also said that the guitar work is reminisent of phish 94' for the sole reason of Trey's guitar work. No more noodling around. Its straight up hard inspiring guitar licks. The bassist brings it fast and hard but also makes it flow and groove nicely. Ray, well, you know what he does. He's the lead keys( for the most part) Les Hall, well, he's a fucking badass. He lays alot of thick textures, sounds, etc. etc. He's definitly gonna bring the spaceyness to it as well as funked out leads. Les has a ton of pedals and different keyboards all around him and he knows how to use them well. The jams they played in ATL were obviously rough( for the amount of time they had practiced together) but, they built nicely and transformed into good, loud, groovy middles.
I would assume that with the band having been in VT for the last month rehearsing that, they got it down and then some.

This is gonna be a special tour ya'll!