
Subatomic MC

(What follows is what happens when I decide to ignore feeling annoyed/frustrated/ready to run off to Tahiti and just focus on rambling about whatever came to mind. I haven't spellchecked. Haven't even read it over to see if it makes sense.)

Remember the days when I used to animatedly discuss the newest journal entries on one "Mr. A-Z"'s website?

You know, the days way after the days when I used to cue up my three-track demo CD so the opening chords to "The Remedy" started blaring into my speakers as I prepared to step into the Metro car to get to work?

Ah, memories. Actually wasn't long ago, all things considered. The journal days, not the "Remedy" days. Those were loooooooooong ago.

But sometimes it feels like eons ago, as they were the days before the overly self-analytical series of random, almost seemingly self-indulgent series of songs that began with "Geek In the Pink."*

Rambling? Yes. Deal with it. Anyway.

I still appreciate Signor Mraz's music on a regular basis. I certainly hope his upcoming spring tour makes a stop somewhere remotely near me so I can attend and scat along with the sounds. And I still make sure to occasionally swing by his website to see if there's a new journal post to chuckle or ponder over.

Mainly because Jason gets the whole journal concept. He actually writes. Shares things, no matter how incredibly random they might be. He applies his Sedaris-like skills to whatever screwy topics he choses, regularly creating something I wind up enjoying almost more than the music itself. You get the impression that, were an email from him to wind up in your inbox, it would be long, complex trains of thought strung together by some single statement that just makes the whole thing click.

In my opinion (the only one that matters in this forum unless you choose to comment and, thus, try to contradict me), he is a writer above all else. And he rambles. And that makes me smile.

Speaking of rambles, I know, I know. I'm still rambling. Shush.

Anyway. My timing was right, as I made one of those periodic jaunts over to the site today. Lo and behold, new entry. Random as all hell. I think pertaining to a supposed rumor about how he was dating a Victoria's Secret model (I know it's rumor, I don't know what the rumor precisely is. I've given up on RKOP and just about any other message board, so I'm often a bit more out of the loop these days). But enjoyable, particularly since I can, in many respects, feel like I haven't missed a thing in my indifference-provoked absence.

The comments about the peer-sharing/Supreme Court issue were interesting, but come on, man. I know I'm a New England girl and haven't gotten as close as I might like to the lands of really good Mexican food, but still.

Can’t you see I’m too busy to be signing petitions and traveling to Washington, the worst city in the world to find a decent set of waves and/or get a burrito?

My Chipotle-craving soul gently weeped.

Then he mentioned saying something bad about Mayer and I was too busy chuckling to think of the lime and cilantro rice...

*For what it's worth, I should note that I do enjoy "GITP." I just haven't been crazy about what I've heard since...

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