
Hey, hey...

Originally uploaded by alternacoustic.
I'm not generally one for the whole "number of visits thing" when I check out the sitemeter. I'm more for trying to figure out who my "readers" are (hint, hint, comment every once in awhile, my little poppets!). But I figured this was worth noting.

10,000 may be nothing to the more-read blogs I peruse on a regular basis, but as a little blogger, I think it's pretty neat. So thanks. Kisses, hugs and the like go out to each of you.

And let's give it up to my devoted reader(s) from UMaine! You earned the distinction of being the 10,000th visitor. Alas, the prize I'd planned - six days, seven nights in Aruba - fell through. Sorry. But I hope you'll accept my thanks as a worthy, Plan B kind of prize.

In other news, let's update the list. Four (4) concerts next week. It might kill me, but I'll go out with a smile.


Anonymous said...

Hey, congrats. I noticed my site meter is slowly creeping up to there too.

Since you are the only Goddess of concertgoing i know, have you ever seen Kaki King? I was wondering what the show is like. (my appoligies if you wrote a review somewhere and i just missed it)

Anonymous said...

Ms. Joey -

We're going to be loopy with exhaustion come Sunday.

But what fun it will be...looking forward to seeing you.

Cbeck -

Hey stranger! I've neither seen nor heard of Kaki King - should I add it to my "To listen to" list?

Goddess of concertgoing - haha, I like that. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

:)Well, you are.

I might suggest giving her a listen. I really like her album and video. acoustic fingerpicking guitar stuf.