
spring sunshine smiles

when did this happen? the last few days have been lovely, but nothing compared to today - weather-wise, i should say. i spent the hour before work walking up and down the hill, to and from the waterfront, smiling as the sun warmed me to the point where i pondered taking off the light jacket i was wearing. fellow pedestrians passed in light jackets of their own, some even simply wearing t-shirts. why not? it's 51 degrees!

i'm giddy. there's nothing better today than the sound of melting snow and the warm sunshine. i've got a perma-grin on my face, one that was bolstered by the happy smiles of my coworkers and a short email waiting for me, just wanting to say hi in the midst of the madness.

happiness is mine today! hurrah!

p.s. after checking my email, i think becca has assumed the title of vermont's biggest averi fan. april birthday bonanza to commence at nectar's on the 2nd. two times the birthdays, two times the fun.

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