
late night laments

i haven't gotten a good night's sleep in at least three days.
i'm sick of getting spam in my email accounts.
i'm sick of getting virus-riddled spam in said email accounts.
i'm sick of deleting virus-riddled spam in said email accounts.
i'm sick of the template i'm using for this blog, but can't find any i like.
i'm sick of insomnia.
i'm sick of waking up too late in the day to do anything before work.
i'm sick of being sick of stuff.

but it gives me a chance to also go through the archives to see what was going on on this day in vickie history. you lucky readers you.

one year ago, i was in washington, preparing for cherry blossoms and the visitors that were to arrive in a few weeks.
two years ago, i was at school, yet preparing to leave for new york, where i was to attend a collegiate journalism conference at the new york times. i was, therefore, freaking out.
three years ago, i was in long island, covering the men's basketball team as they competed in the sweet sixteen. i was, therefore, thoroughly loving my job as sports editor.
four, five or six years ago, i was doing god knows what. wasn't blogging, that's for sure.

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