
we interrupt this post

i was starting to write this whole in-depth, philosophical discussion of music and the progression musicians make as they climb the ladder of fame/success/fill-in-the-blank, when i was torn away from my writing by the need to run out of the building, down the street and into my car, where i practiced (perfectly legal) boston driving skills to make my way to the airport. shortly before my arrival, i was called and told i could return, as the potential accident that was being dealt with was dealt with successfully and, thankfully, without major problems.

notes: i do not recommend running anywhere in doc marten boots. chasing firetrucks may be fun as a kid, but not as a 23-year-old. but the adrenaline was awesome and i still have the sound of sirens ringing in my ears. and my in-depth philosophical rant will have to wait for another time. but check out the new rolling stone when it hits the stands. ben affleck is on the cover and there is a photo spread inside that manages to amuse me, sadden me and make me wonder what will happen in the progression of my favorite musician's career. but i remain optimistic.

and i'll laugh so hard when i meet up with becca tonight, after she saw me whip my car into the driveway, look at her, then run into the house and out of the house, speaking briefly before hopping back into the car and whipping back out onto the roads.

never, EVER forget to bring your cell phone ANYWHERE.

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