
hit the road
status check - happy
background ambiance - the editorial process in work

things feel great. the sun is setting on a gorgeous day, full of sunshine, iced coffee (albeit damn strong iced coffee almost too potent for even my taste), drives around town (for work, thank you) and laughter. it's finally warm. it's finally spring. the lake is finally melting. things are finally starting to look like the fates could be kind.

for some reason, i'm giddy about this coming spring. i feel as if spring and summer are waiting to pounce upon me, full of excitement and significance. i can't recall being so excited about spring in years.

i have five days off in a row in june. i want to do something fun. brainstorming session. come up with ideas. i'm thinking maybe dc?

i worry that i don't appear as overly productive the last few days. but i'm working on a lot - all of a sudden, i'm going to have a million stories ready to print. just can't finetune them all quite yet. patience, please, dear editors!

in preparation for friday's celebratory events, i make a request to those attending (and, for those who have no idea of what i'm talking about but are in burlington - averi. nectar's. friday. be there.): if you can, please bring a sleeping bag or something similar. just to make sure everyone has enough to be warm/comfy. since several people have asked, i have no idea of what time averi's performing/ticket price/cover. ask the band boys (feel free to let me know, too).

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