
a new extended vacation.
status check - delighted
background ambiance - that ol' rattlin' wind

since i'm surprisingly alert for 9 a.m., i decided to check out some of my favorite haunts in online land. a pre-gym perusing, if you will. naturally, it took my inquiring eyes jmraz's way. good thing! said songster sent a message to the boards, filling his fans/friends in on what's happening on the studio front and more.

the not-so-good: since elektra's recent sale has pushed back the releast plans for both the yet-to-be-recorded album and the mysterious dvd that was supposed to be out in - what, january or february? late summer now, mraz says. and the album will be early next year.

but it means he's going on tour again - twice. once in may and june, then post-recording in the fall (kicking off with the dmb stints on the west coast, including *sob* the gorge). the may/june tour concept actually sounds mad cool - he'll have to get over to the east coast. which means i'll have to be able to hit up a show. and elizabeth, you will finally see him live. hurrah!

good way to start my friday - now off to the gym and then prepare for the weekend meeting of the SMCSSVS.

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