
A long time ago, in a place a few states away...

The baby was due on Oct. 7. Were it a boy, it would be named Brian Patrick. A girl? Jennifer (just like every third baby girl born in 1980) or Wendy (egads).

Apparently, the baby, very much a female, wasn't keen on any of the names suggested by her parents. So she decided to give them an extra few weeks to come up with something better.

Which is why, I believe, she waited until November 3 to make her appearance. The tired new mom and dad named her something else, something a little more unique. And it turned out that this name suited her well.

A valuable lesson was learned that day - hold out for what you want. And two of my key personality traits were identified: a tendancy to run late and a fierce stubborn streak.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!! I hope you have a great day. The next 25 go rather quickly. I speak from experience.
P Squared

Gavin Elster said...

Brian Patrick... Hey thats My name! (my real name!)