
Crows' Nest

I'd brought my camera to Higher Ground on Tuesday, but left it at home the night after. The battery was low, I was going to be running late in arriving - no need to bring something I'd wind up not using. Practical, I thought to myself as I searched for a spot within a sea of cars outside the venue.

As I stood in what I like to call The Crows' Nest for the first time, with an absurdedly amazing view of the show, I wondered why the hell I'd decided to start being practical at such an impractical time.

The camera phone just didn't cut it.

Guster. Ack.


The two food drives, when added together, equalled a rousing success for RFAR. I believe the totals were in the 1,250-1,500 pound range. Most of which was gathered last night as I was frantically trying to finish up the day's tasks and get to the venue, which made me feel guilty, but I was still happy to celebrate with the RFAR posse I'd been able to help work with as much as I could.

So many people were willing to help out and donate something - it made me feel not quite so convinced that apathy rules the world these days.

Or, at least, I felt that way for a moment or two. I'm looking forward to the opportunity to continue working with the organization, so I keep on getting that natural high.

And, with the last notes of "Jesus on the Radio" (no mics, band lined along the front of the stage - is this becoming a pattern? Matt Nathanson, Averi, Guster...who next?), the Fall Concert Season came to a close.

Two and a half weeks before U2, a show that has been looming ahead of us for so long that it feels impossible that it could be approaching, and, to the best of my knowledge, no concerts between now and then.

I'm psyched. I'm going to relax. At home. With the exception of Thanksgiving on the North Shore, I'm not taking roadtrips, not going to shows until December. The batteries need recharging. People can come to me.

That said, it was a hell of a way to end the season. Viva la Guster...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

rock for a remedy, inc hearts vix.

thank you for all of your help, hon. i was thrilled to have you there.

quite a high, isn't it?

it's so awesome to see real results, not those pumped up vague ones that show no one worked hard enough ;)

you rule