
It's practically a textbook example of a Non-Day. That is, were a Non-Day to ever find its way into a textbook.

It doesn't feel like a Friday. Nor any day, really. Much like that random episode of a television series you love, when the contents of the episode have no relation to anything else that's happened during the season's storyline.

(The one that comes to mind most vividly is the post-Sept. 11 episode of "The West Wing." Remember that? "Isaac and Ishmael"? Great storytelling device. Standout episode. But the actors explained prior to its airing that the episode was stand-alone, that it had no relation whatsoever to the season that would begin the following week.)

I floated my way to the car this morning. Snow was on the ground, but it took half a minute for that to register with me. Didn't seem quite right. The parking lot was oddly void of cars when I arrived. Downtown streets? Also sparesly populated. People seemed listless, disconnected. As did I.

Maybe it's simply perception. Perhaps I'm just overtired. But it seems as if yesterday and tomorrow will probably link back together into a reasonable series of events, but today is just hanging out in a misty sort of Other.

So I'm going with it and thinking about things I wouldn't normally think about.

The thought had stuck in my head some time ago, but for some reason, it came to the forefront recently, and I've been trying to tell myself to let it work itself out of my head.

But, in classic form, it's not working itself out, so I decided to see what comes of it.

So today, I decided to make some calls, establish some contact and see if this crazy idea I have actually appeals to anyone else who might benefit from it. See what happens.

If not, no worries. But if so, it could be work out remarkably well.

So hey. Let's see.

"Who knows where thoughts come from? They just appear."

Music: Matt Wertz, "Comfort"
- 2:55 p.m.

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