
A thank you

I could tell you about how my birthday started out with a phone call just as the clock switched over to midnight, and how the second line on my cell phone beeped at 12:01.

I could talk about how red my face became when Beth stopped by my office and presented me with flowers and a balloon.

Or how my parents surprised me by driving to Burlington and taking me out to lunch.

Perhaps I could mention the emails, blog comments (including P Squared! Thank you!) and myspace notes that people sent with the hopes of making me smile - and how each individual succeeded.

I could describe dinner with most of my favorite Burlington people, enhanced by the laughter and the margaritas I'd been dreaming of all day.

And I could mention sipping coffee as Beth and I shared a plate of chocolate falling (birthday) cake, taking a phone call from Michelle and passing the phone back and forth across the table to laugh.

But instead, I'll quote something from three years ago:
i have something about birthdays (well, mine, anyway), where i always look forward to them, but also wind up dreading them. what can i say? i'm overly dramatic and always wind up thinking birthdays are this huge thing and spend time thinking about the point of my life i'm at...yadda yadda. so no matter how nice a birthday is, at some point, i will be mildly depressed and introverted. it's by no means a reflection on the people i'm with or what i'm doing and it passes quickly.

And I'll simply say that I bucked the trend this year. Thanks to those who made it one of the most enjoyable birthdays I've had in a long time.

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