
Pot. Kettle. Black.

Beth was trying to decide how many of the live Tori releases to buy. Six available (the last being the Corporate Mad Lib Pavilion show this summer). Buy all six and get various "special items."

"I'm just saying," I said, "that I don't know how much you'd listen to them. That's a lot of live Tori music. That said, I'm one of the fools who went out and pre-ordered Jason's album because I wanted to support him, even though I knew I wouldn't be crazy about the album."

"And you like it now," she replied, laughing.

"PARTS OF IT." This clarification was key. "Select songs."

About 15 minutes later, my phone rang and I laughed my way through a conversation. After saying goodbye, I called out to her.

"Funny that we mentioned Jason."


"My mother. Parents were at a music store and she wanted to know if I had the collector's edition of 'Mr. A-Z.'"

"You don't, right?"

"Nooooooo..." She waited for the punchline. "But they're picking it up for me and giving it to me for a birthday present when I see them tomorrow."

She raised her hands in victory. "I'M BUYING ALL SIX!"


Victoria said...

Completely unrelated, but you'll understand where I'm coming from here.



Does the black hoodie bond mean nothing anymore???

Victoria said...

You knew and didn't tell me?

One would think, I would imagine, that the fact that I've wanted for how long now to have a good show on my birthday, that I would have shouted to the rooftops (and into inboxes) if I knew that SWLLC was playing in the area on my birthday!

I'm going to glower for a bit now.