
I was already seated at the small, round table. B walked in the coffeeshop's front door, saw me and quickly walked to the table. She slumped into the seat more than she sat down on it. It was the same frustrated gesture I'd demonstrated a few moments earlier - an attempt to stomp away the bullshit of the day.

It didn't work for either of us.

"How's the day going?" I asked cautiously.

"It's one of those days," she replied. "You?"

"The same."

Harumpf. It had been a long week, a constant test of patience. I'd been impressed with our tenacity, but knew that I was starting to lose steam. I assumed she was as well.

It just needed to be the weekend.

"So what are you going to get? Venti?" I'd called her earlier and left a voicemail. Coffee. Call me. Um, yeah.

"I think so, yeah. You?"

She paused. "Know what sounds good right now? A grasshopper." Espresso and cocoa blend with a shot of mint. Reserved for those days when you Really Need It.

"Done. Let's go."

It was a good call.

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