
Crash Bang Boom

It hit around 3:30, during my second coffee of the day.

The artificial adrenaline rush I was riding dropped away, leaving me suspended over the Grand Canyon of fatigue.

Think Wile E. Coyote. A second to look at the audience, hold up a sign that says, "Yikes," and then crash to the ground far, far below.

Running? No way in hell.

Catching up with roommates? Doubtful.

Calling the family as everyone is assembled in Massachusetts? Sorry, gang.

I reckon that I will be curling up under a blanket, perhaps setting up a mellow playlist and napping, if not all out sleeping.

That said, I should continue the "call it like I see it" trend that kicked into gear this weekend.

I want my phone to ring. I want to ask, "OK, so what was that?"

I'm not thrilled with myself for wanting that, but the fact remains that I do. Why deny it?

It would require too much energy.

I'm too tired to be anything but honest.


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