

Outdoor, alley barspace. Red lights illuminate the ironic crowd assembled around round tables, against the rope barriers, along the wall of the building. A four-piece power indie intelligent pop band is taking a quick break.

One table features several small groups carrying on several small conversations. As one member of the patchwork table party returns to her seat, another raises her eyebrows and takes a quick intake of breath.

"I meant to tell you!"

"Tell me what?" She is wearing a black, almost 40s-reminiscent dress with tiny polka dots. Her long hair is pulled into a casual updo, and she has flats on her feet. That are just a little too big, she complains good-naturedly.

"Saget is going to be here for a stop on his comedy tour."

The previous time this part of the group was assembled, part of the conversation centered around "Full House." The status of the Joey-house relationship. Friend, uncle, cousin or foe? Phone calls were made. The truth was discovered.

"BOB SAGET? THAT'S AWESOME!" Her eyes light up with incredulous delight.

The word quickly spreads around the table. Saget. Vermont. December. "Worth every penny of the ticket price, man." People who casually nodded at each other twenty minutes prior are now laughing warmly as they each admit they'd really love to see Saget on stage.

Polka Dot is still chortling. "That's so awesome. I'd just want to stand there and scream." She throws her head back. "DANN-EEEEEEEEEEEEY TAAAAAAAAAAANER!"

The group cracks up. Those sipping their drinks choke as they burst into laughter. Others are just red-faced with shaking sides. Danny Tanner remains the hot topic until the band hops back onto the stage and resumes with the instrumental intro to "Billie Jean."

Saget - icebreaker extraordinaire.

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