
A Complimentary Weekend

At a certain point, one must accept that one is in the midst of a comedy of errors. The only question appropriate at such a time is, "OK, what next?"

After the debacle that was The Ticket Incident (which ended - for now - with assurances that compensation would be involved), our three main characters decided to climb out from beneath the boulders from which we were living and join the masses who have seen "Batman Begins." And we were going to do it in style. IMAX, baby.

Now, keep in mind that prior to this excursion, I'd never seen an IMAX film (with the exception of the IMAX-like experience at the Omni Theater at the MoS, but "The Great Barrier Reef" doesn't exactly pack the same wallop as a Hollywood film, now does it?). I have had plenty of chances to do so, but I intentionally held off. I live in IMAX-free lands, and I feared that the cinema-going experience after IMAX would pale in comparison.

But the thought of soaking in the sight of Christian Bale on an even bigger screen? I couldn't say no.

So we trapse off to Jordan's in Framingham. We get our ridiculously huge 3D glasses (might I recommend that you check out the Flickr) and settle into our luxurious seats. 3D previews come and go. Off with the glasses. Back into Gotham.

About an hour and twenty minutes into the film, as Christian is crouched in the rain -

White. Silence. House lights up.

All of Route 9 was hit by a power outage. We walk out the exit and wait to get back in. Yellow glasses piled into armchairs and couches serve as the moder, movie-going version of Hansel and Gretel's trail. Follow the glasses back to the flick, friends.

After waiting, returning and jostling for the seats everyone had prior to our unexpected intermission (and the fight that nearly broke out), we're told that they can't reboot the system. Comps or refunds available as you leave.


(And moreso, any more shirtless shots of Christian Bale?)

IMAX, shimax.*

So I was treated to a complimentary hour and a half of IMAX. After a complimentary concert of sorts.

Then my cell phone battery runs low, so I can't make any calls and, subsequently, can't retrieve my address book and call L. Thanks, technology, for making me look like a schmuck. I can do it well enough on my own...

And THEN, to top it all off, B and I find ourselves on the side of 89 in Vermont (thankfully, with cell phone reception), trying to figure out what the vibrant orange "Check Engine" light might be indicating. How many women does it take to inspect a car?

Two. Both on their phones with their fathers.

Of course. Figures.

"OK, what next?"

* I've got to admit, the experience prior to the outage? Awesome. I am now an IMAX fan.

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