
what in hades are you doing in delaware???

i heard three magic words spoken into the other end of the phone conversation.

"listen to rufus."

what did you expect?

what a delight ... i didn't even realize rufus was on a new leg of his tour ... and, of course, he will not be anywhere even remotely close to me. naturally.

but, through the wonders of cell phones and the beauty of friendship, i was able to hear rufus in all his concert glory ...

it's funny - every time i'm going to call paul, he's at a kickass concert. it reminds me that i'm losing out on the concert scene. granted, nathanson was an amazing show. but howie last week, rufus a week later? i need to visit dc - and soon. charming company, cheesecake, chipotle and concerts. the alliteration alone is amazing - the experience would exceed any expectations.

i think i'm just going to have to go on a musical revelry tour sometime in the coming months. i turn to you now, dear readers, to find concerts - or other performances, i should say - of note in your various areas. i'll visit, we'll rock out and it'll turn into some great cross-country adventure. i'll return the favor by hosting some soiree here in the near future.


I knew a girl
Her name was Truth
She was a horrible liar.

She couldn't spend one day alone
But she couldn't be satisfied.

When you have everything,
You have everything to lose.
She made herself
A bed of nails
And she's plannin' on puttin' it to use.

'Cause she had diamonds on the inside
She had diamonds on the inside
She had diamonds on the inside

A candle throws its light into the darkness
In a nasty world, so shines the good deed
Make sure the fortune that you seek
Is the fortune you need.

So tell me why the first to ask is the last to give, everytime
What you say and do not mean
Follow too close behind

'Cause she had diamonds on the inside
She had diamonds on the inside
She wore diamonds on the inside

Like a soldier standing long under fire
Any change comes as a relief.
Let the giver's name remain unspoken
For she is just a generous thief.

But she had diamonds on the inside
Cos she had diamonds on the inside
She wore diamonds on the inside
She wore diamonds
Oh diamonds
She had diamonds
She wore diamonds
Diamonds ...
- b. harper

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