
121 minutes?

v: let's say, hypothetically speaking, that i were normal and hadn't developed such infatuations. who would you be infatuated with?
b: i wouldn't know! i just don't get celebrity crushes the way you have. it's like i crush vicariously though you! i'm not normal either!
b: there are guys i'd now say i'd have celebrity crushes on, but i wouldn't have if i didn't know about their personalities. and how did i find out about their personalities? you!

nearly two hours of completely superficial banter about "what if" scenarios. hilaritiy ensues. sometimes you need to abandon deep thought and just be silly.

and, since the question was posed and i've had time to ponder: tv news type: jon stewart.

as i'm writing this, beth calls to inform me of what construction worker she'd sleep with. beth reply: ty. victoria reply: evan on "while you were out."

"ooh! i'd sleep with him too! i could be a beth construction sandwich!"

colin farrell and justin timberlake get the "shut up, don't ruin it" award. lenny could just stand there and howie, according to my partner in crime, would just have to sit on a table. in his jeans.

what? guys do it all the time ... why can't we?

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