

i have been the happy recipient of some great emails lately. while some are random (including the beatgreets best of the 80s or whatever that was beth sent me that had me laughing my arse off) to surprisingly delightful messages from far-off lands to the latest, a congratulatory message from a former professor (actually, i should clarify - the professor who inspired me to push myself as a journalist before defender was even a possibility for my young self - and the professor for whom i wrote what i still consider some of my best somewhat-creative writing pieces), congratulating me in the kindest manner on my new job and inviting me to speak to current students who are contemplating entering this rat race of a profession i'm in.

i don't know what it is, i'm just full of smiles today. the sun is shining, it feels like spring is around the corner (i know, it's likely a tease, but i'll go with it), i have a press packet for the play i'm going to review (HURRAH!!!!) and i'm going to get my stories done - and they're going to rock, dammit.

i have wonderful friends, new and old, i have a great job (no matter how much i may bitch on occasion) and things are grand.

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