
2.2 has always treated me well ...

i'm surprised i never reminisced here about 2.2 in the past. for the past few years, i always set aside a few minutes to smile and think about years gone by - apparently i just never set aside a few minutes to blog about it as well.

as i sit here, preparing to round up my things and head to the newspaper for my first day of FTFP (full time fping), i'm smiling and thinking back to this same day a few years back, when my 19-year-old college sophomore self wandered into alliot to avoid studying and found a guy with funny hair, an even funnier dance and a fake british accent performing at the coffeehouse.

yep, today marks four years of listening to and enjoying the sound stylings of one mr. howie day. i wish i had been blogging back then, as i'm sure i would be amused by what i had to say after the show. i remember writing about it - i jotted down a bit in one of my many spiral bound notebook journals. while i kept all of those journals, they've been packed up and put somewhere, probably not to be found again for years to come. i think it would be hilarious to see what i had to say about this new guy i'd just listened to, now that i know how his music influenced me over the years.

actually, this week has served me quite well, in musical terms, over the years. howie day in 2000, john mayer in 2001. we braved the cold and snow to head to higher ground on 2.6.01 to see john open for glenn phillips and interview them both for our radio show. i need to find that tape - it's packed away in a box of college items and i should really put it aside somewhere else for safekeeping. and i'm hoping to continue the good musical experiences for this week in history, as i'll be making a trip to higher ground today to buy a ticket for thursday's matt nathanson show. i'm looking forward to it - i think i'll say hi and make reference to the smc show junior year and see what his reaction is ... hehehehehe.

but 2.2.04 is shaping up to be a grand day in and of itself. my first day at the paper, the first full day of the patriots' reign as super bowl champs and whatever else may come with the day. i'm looking forward to it, feeling good and ready to it all on.