
... dream of a time when your heart was open wide and you loved things just because ...

a day of activity - some good, some decidedly not so good - that has left me feeling exhausted, but in a good way. full of laughter and catching up with friends, enjoying the new stories that have come up in the past week while looking back on memories from years past.

i have in my possession a stack of photographs from college, many of which i had never seen before, all of which are amusing in their own particular ways. it's always interesting to look back on photos and remember the emotions and thoughts present when they were taken. now that i look through the frozen moments, i realize how the situations depicted have changed with the passing of time - or, in the beautiful rare occasions, how the particulars may have been altered but the relationships remain as strong now as then.

i also have new musical goodness to enjoy. how did i miss hearing about the bens? i was giddy when i heard about it. even giddier when i listened to the ep.

as far as the not so decent aspects of the day ... biggest drawback to (temporarily) living alone. when something happens - particularly when you're sick - no one is present to take care of you. it sucks. you begin to think irrationally in your half-delusional state and become convinced that you'll be found, weeks from now, your ultimate demise a mystery for all time. and you think about how you would be ready to sell your soul for someone to place a cool hand on your forehead and tell you you're going to feel better. and get you some apple juice.

but hey, i made it through and - i should note - already feel better. and, for whatever reason, i've been singing rilo kiley all day ...

And sometimes when you're on
You're really fucking on
And your friends they sing along
And they love you

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