
notes from the future.

it's an interesting sensation, sitting at my desk during the evening of february 25, reading a new journal entry from february 26. time zones are so bizarre. sure, i'm aware of the whole sun striking portions of the earth at different times aspect - as anyone is - but really, when you have to tack on a whole extra day, things get really strange. i have a difficult enough time remembering how many hours to count back when i try calling utah - let alone thinking about what day it may be in japan.

nevertheless. i digress. (and rhyme.) new journal to enjoy, including a rather unexpected political statement. granted, i agree with it, but i was surprised nonetheless. i had to laugh when i read, "If you’ve never contacted your congressman before, now is an excellent time to exercise one of your last constitutional rights and defend nothing more than love."

thank you, but i have certainly contacted my congressman in the not-so-distant past. and then some ... but i laughed when i imagined godzilla storming down pennsylvania ave. i wonder if it would be like me and get lost while searching for a particular penn. ave. landmark and wind up in dupont circle ...

hmm. doubt it. godzillas probably have better senses of direction that i.

if one is not a fan of the ever-brilliant writing, the entry is worth viewing simply for the crash course in japanese he provides in conversational form. as i read the entry, though, i was struck by the sensation of having my wondering about what japan is like (from a few days ago) answered so succinctly. still want to get there - and shall, one day hopefully not so far away from today.

in vermont-based news. i'm actually quite upset to announce that higher ground will officially close on april 15. for those not familiar with the space, after club toast closed after my freshman year of college, higher ground became the place to see musicians. i probably can't even recall all the of the artists i've seen there, but just a few include glen phillips, matt nathanson, and cherry poppin' daddies. i interviewed john mayer at higher ground. i cursed missing elliott smith when he played there. mraz opened for howie on that stage (and i missed it). my senior slide show was there - most of my graduating class was packed inside the relatively small space, drunk and sentimental. it's a major piece of my college - and musical - memories.

so i'm going to go to higher ground at some point in the coming weeks and take photographs of the place. provide myself at least a few snapshots to assist my future storytelling endeavors when i try to describe to people why it was the perfect place in the area to attend a show. from the posters on the walls to the couch in the sitting area to the murals and pool table.

since the venue is closing on the 15th and damien rice is supposed to play there on the 20th, hg's alex said he's going to try to find another venue to host that show and the other handful that have already been scheduled. and he's hoping to find a new location for the club soon.

please hurry.

other news. arthur miller will be in vermont on sunday and i'm hoping to make a trip to see for myself. he's attending a preview of a new play of his and tickets are costly - but fuck it. it's arthur miller. my theater-loving soul would hate me forever if i passed it up. and then i can drive to southern vermont and arrive in time to watch billy crystal rock the oscars. whoo hoo!

Tai-kara denwa suru.

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