
hmm ...

front page of today's paper:

Bush says he recalls showing up for drills in Alabama, but his supporters have struggled to prove it . ... While Kerry surrounds himself with fellow veterans on the campaign trail, the White House has not een able to produce fellow guardsmen who could testify that Bush attended meetings and drills. "Obviously we would have made people available" if they had been found, McClellan said.

ponder that ...

meanwhile, i'm pondering finding information about dream analysis. i'm back on a vivid dream pattern. last night i was at my high school prom. we had to do skits partway through the evening, each class doing something unique. ours was a baseball theme and i was playing first base. i remembered rehearsing it, but suddenly grew anxious, as i realized i would be, for the first time, playing baseball wearing a gown and heels. as i stood before the stage, wishing the other skits would go on forever, bethany came up behind me and laughed about how we'd better not drink too much before we go onstage. i replied automatically that i wouldn't be drinking until the post-prom parties. she gave me a strange look and i realized that hey, i could drink if i wanted to - in the dream setting, i was 21. i decided to calm my nerves and go find our "shortstop" - ashton kutcher (or, i should say, someone i knew was ashton kutcher, who acted like ashton kutcher, but i thought of more as kelso from the lucky bar last spring). i was off to find the bar, kelso/ashton/whoever in tow, when i woke up.


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