
annual butchering of the oscars

thought i should quickly offer my annual oscar picks, which really means my annual oscar mishandling, as i rarely get the big ones right. but i'm hooked on the golden statues, so i'll give it a shot anyway.

best actor: i'm thinking bill murray for lost in translation, for a brilliantly understated performance. although i'd love to see johnny depp pull the upset.

best actress: i've heard she does an amazing job and shows her acting chops. but i really think charlize theron will get the oscar because she's a beautiful woman who made herself ugly for the sake of a performance. she'll follow nicole kidman, who has, in my opion, given much better performances than the hours, but was willing to get "ugly" for the role.

best supporting actor: i haven't seen mystic river yet (and really want to), but i worship tim robbins and i hear he does an amazing job.

best supporting actress: big surprise, renee will finally get the oscar. i think it's in the bag because people are also going to make up for the chicago overlook - the oscar she deserved (again, see nicole tangent).

best director: if peter jackson doesn't get this, i'm storming the oscars. billy crystal watch out.

best original screenplay: lost in translation. brilliant.

best adapted screenplay: i'm cheering for return of the king, but i predict it'll go to mystic river.

best picture: lord of the rings: return of the king. i've been waiting three years to see peter jackson accept the oscar for lotr. it's his turn.

whoo hoo - had my first argument as a journalist with police officers today!

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