
We consulted our lists and laughed.

I read mine first. "So for you, I've got Tori, Ani-"

"I'd forgotten about Ani!"

"The Bens and Rufus and Cap Steps."

"And U2-"

"Oh God, how'd I forget about that?"

"-Lewis Black and Red Sox. And KC and the Sunshine Band."


"And for you, there's Tori, Indigo Girls, Clay..."


"Yep. Coldplay. And there was that Averi show in New Hampshire."

"What Averi show?"


"Ah, yes. I'd forgotten about that."

We looked at the lists of tickets purchased since November. These were the batch purchases - when we'd picked them up for the group and shrugged off settling the prices with, "We'll take care of them later. I still owe you for ______."

Settling was hilarious.

"OK. Indigo Girls and Coldplay just about cancel out U2. Well, we'll throw Averi in there to put me over." I crossed off the items with a dramatic flourish of red ink.

"Hahaha - OK."

"Tori and Tori are just about a wash."

"Clay and KC cancel each other out."


We figured out the totals and doublechecked our math. Beth looked up and gave me a grin.

"When you look at it this way, it really makes you think about how much money we spend on tickets."

"But look at it another way." I looked over the list. "We've purchased most of the big tickets remaining this year. This summer, at least. So it's really just that we've invested."

We burst into laughter. "Silver lining?"

Music news I've forgotten to post until now.

July 7. First show of this season's Battery Park free concert series. GLEN PHILLIPS. Revel with me now. Haven't seen him since the Higher Ground show in 2001. Can't wait. Did I mention that it's a free show? Yes. And outside near the lake. Come play.

The word on the street is that Matt Nathanson will be playing three shows at Paradise in October. I feel the need to say no more on this subject. You know I'll be at one, if not two of these performances.

I discovered an album waiting for me yesterday morning. The Post-It note said it was mine if I wanted it. It was Mike Doughty's "Haughty Melodic." THANK YOU.

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