
Certain truths

- You will always find yourself walking somewhere when wearing less-than-comfortable shoes.
- You will always need to wear long sleeves during humid weather.
- You will always have to battle temperamental buttons when you haven't a desk to hide behind.
- You will always have to hurry up and wait when you're battling the clock.
- You will always have a busy day when you're fatigued.

And, of course, the final two:
- You will always get several invitations to go out for cocktails the one day you want to go home, go running and curl up with a book.
- You will always accept those invitations. Both of them.

p.s. Today kicks off the official streak of June birthdays. Happy birthday, Mom! I write this even though the birthday girl will never see this message because of her previously documented aversion to anything online or cellular. But I called and sent cards and all that good stuff, so I consider this e-icing on the proverbial cake. Which works until I can meet up with her and we can enjoy slices of the real thing.

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