
Round Two

What is the best thing that ever happened to you?

It sounds sappy. My brother was the best thing that's ever happened to me. I hated his arrival when it happened and I was jealous as can be during many of the early years. And he certainly did not endear himself to me when I was four and we were in the middle of a pillow fight when he decided to headbutt me - and knock out my two front teeth in the process. But my father would tell me about the importance of a close sibling bond - this generally followed some stupid fight - and I'd always roll my eyes and say, "Yeah, Dad, I know. Whatever."

But he's grown into one of my best friends and the person above all others with whom I would trust my life. And I like to think the feeling's mutual.

But the second best thing that's ever happened to me came in sixth grade. Reading class, Mrs. Ratti teaching us in the elementary school library. We had to write a story and then passed the assignments around so everyone in the class could read them and write comments on an accompanying piece of paper. When I got mine back, I saw what Andrew had to say about it. He wrote that he always liked reading my work because he could always hear my voice in his head, reading it aloud. "You write the way you speak. I like it."

I decided then that I really was going to be a writer when I grew up.

If you had to lose one of your five sense which would you choose?

I'd hate it with every fiber in my being, but I'd give up taste. While I can't imagine not having that sense, I can imagine not having it more than I can imagine not having any of the others.

If you could have any view in the world visible from your bed, what would it be?

Skyline - preferrably Boston's - with the ocean visible in the distance.

In your opinion, what flavor of ice cream would best describe your disposition?

I have to make a conscious effort to just not go with my favorite flavor. I'm going to go with lemon sherbert. It's a little different, a little tart, but once you start eating it, you realize it's sweet and, when made properly, nice and smooth.

In five sentences, answer the question "Who are you?"

I am a storyteller constantly in search of a new tale or character to add to my canon. I am a person who loves with all her heart and expects others to do the same. I am an artist, in my own sort of bumbling way, who feels at my best when surrounded by others sharing their art with the world. I thinks a good sunset, a a good cup of coffee, or a good chord can cure many of life's little problems. And I am a work constantly in progress.

If you could suddenly find out that one work of fiction was actually true, what book would you select?

It's going to sound cliched, but I'd definitely go with the Bible. Wouldn't that be a hoot? We find out it's true and all of a sudden everyone starts scrambling around, doing whatever they can for salvation. It would be utter chaos, but quite fascinating to watch.

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