
Yeah yeah yeah

We sat at a metal table in the sunshine, sipping our iced lattes and relaxing. We were recounting our professional hours when B put her latte down and looked at me with wide eyes.

"I sent you the BEST story today!" she exclaimed. "I can't wait for you to see it!"

"Ooooookaaaaay," I replied, having been out and about all morning. "Are you going to give me a hint?"

"It's about how you're a yuppie." Admittedly, she phrased this differently. But that was the basic message. Me. Yuppie.

I replied in the only way any proud individual could.

"I so am not!"

She smiled smugly. "If you blog."


"If you listen to The Postal Service and The Arcade Fire."

"Uh oh."

"If you saw 'Garden State' three times in the theater."

Three strikes. I was out.

And thus I slunk back to work, logged into email and read the offending (well, no, actually pretty damn funny) story.

For the record, however, I couldn't afford NYC rents, as the article states, and go to these rock shows.

I spend too much of my money on the rock shows to be able to afford that kind of rent.


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