
I can deal with this.

I don't like early mornings, but I do like those that stretch languidly into what feels like an extra unexpected hour. Time and consciousness enough to actually carry on a conversation and pick up coffee and a croissant. The thought of "early in, early out" and contemplation over whether it will actually apply to the day.

I'm not sure what prompts this less-than-typically-sour Monday mood, but I have to wonder if the fact that I began a serious writing project plays a part. I eschewed my notebook for the laptop yesterday (this never happens during a major writing project) and I worked through a chapter and a half before deciding to call it an evening.

Sleep, however, was fleeting. I was either reading or staring at the clock until at least three o'clock this morning. So I finished "Sammy's Hill," the chick lit I'd begun reading earlier in the day. Verdict: Passingly enjoyable. Particularly amusing for those who do or have worked in the political realm. DC anecdotes amused me, and memories of HGC (professional eye candy, DC version) and 4 p.m. happy hours (and forgotten 8 p.m. phone calls) were certainly brought to the surface.

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