
Timing is everything.

status check - Surprised
background ambiance - Ryan Montbleau, "Honeymoon Eyes"


I received a couple of unexpected emails earlier this week and realized I had a couple people of my own that I wanted to at least attempt to get in touch with after a bit of an absence.

I held off on doing so, however - as the week's been a somewhat chaotic web of odd situations, encounters and the like. But I kept the people in mind.

This evening, I checked my old college email (also known as the black hole of spam) for the first time in weeks. Amid career spams, Dave Matthews Band spams, Howie Day spams and the like, I noticed a forward from one of the two people I'd thought of earlier in the week.

The forward was sent less than a week ago.

I took it as a sign and finally dashed off quick emails to both, complete with the ever-so-necessary "Hey, I was thinking of you the other day..." beginning.

I hope they at least put a smile on the faces of their intended readers.

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