

status check - Annoyed
background ambiance - Beth talking in other room

The good news: Looks like Averi has sold out The Paradise yet again.

The bad news: I leaned today that I don't have the tickets to Paradise after all.


Anonymous said...

They sold out!?!?!?!?!?! Aw crap


Anonymous said...

Yep. But what's your schedule like the following weekend? We're thinking of hitting up the Milly's show on 3.4 - and there's the added bonus of Tides being in the lineup.

Especially since the LL show at Higher Ground is mid-week, so there's no show conflicts...hmm? You in? It will be grand fun...

- v.

Anonymous said...

I noticed the LL is mid week and leapt for joy!

Unfortunalty that weekend (that saturday specifically) I have promised to take my sister in law to a reunion for the camp I used to wrok at. :(

however keep me in the loop for further adventrues, as I am always game.
