
C'est la vie

status check - Bemused
background ambiance - Academy Awards pre-show

Had I been smart, I would have looked at the calendar, thought back three years and realized something would get screwed up with any attempt to go to a show.

Feb. 26, 2002 - The Providence John Mayer Debacle
Feb. 26, 2005 - The Boston "We have tickets oh wait no we still don't afterall" Averi Debacle.

Long story short? Wound up making an impromptu trip to Boston, thinking we'd scored tickets after all. Found out we didn't right about the time I saw the skyline.


But now? Oscars. I'm a junkie for them every year - this year's no different. Pre-show analysis? Don't dig Hillary's gown. Love Kirsten's. Laura Linney - NO TAUPE ON OSCAR NIGHT! Remember Jennifer Connelly!

And the annual Oscar predictions?

Best Picture - Million Dollar Baby
Best Director - SCORCESE! Finally!
Best Actor - Jamie Foxx
Best Actress - Hillary Swank
Best Supporting Actress - Cate Blanchett
Best Supporting Actor - Morgan Freeman

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