
Little gold men

status check - Self-loathing
background ambiance - Oscars

I was keeping track of my thoughts on the Oscars, until I realized I was 2-for-2 on the night and I was going to ruin my streak shortly. I decided to quit while I was ahead.

But quick notes:

- I fell in love with Chris Rock's hosting the second he started with "Sit yo asses DOWN!" (8:34 p.m. EST)
- Screens on the ceiling and the floor. Gratuitous, much?
- "Aviator" is kicking ass!
- Renee. Eat. You'll feel better. Trust me.
- The back of the house awarding? Beyond lame.
- I'm a big fan of the three-piece suit/tuxedo as a general rule (it's all about the vest, I'm a sucker for 'em). But put Orlando Bloom in a three-piece tuxedo and I'm down for the count. I focused on him, rather than Kirsten Dunst and her version of my haircut. Beth commentary: "Your hair is cuter. But yeah, they're sleeping together."
- Counting Crows = love. Beth on Adam Duritz: "He looks better from way back, like when we saw him at SPAC."
- "Sideways" wins its one award at 9:44. "Siderman 2" at 9:46.
- Michelle, you and I both know Jake is fine any damn way he wants his hair to be. Don't deny it.
- Did I mention no more Beyonce?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah, a vineyard roadtrip film fan, I see...I haven't seen it myself - the premise didn't thrill me and then I heard less than favorable peer reviews. What about it worked for you?