
Worthwhile weariness

status check - Exhausted
background ambiance - Television

Beyond worn out. But a good kind of tired - the kind that leaves you smiling because you spent two straight days alternating between friends and family. Sure, you're exhausted. But you'd take this fatigue over being lonely any day.

Quick roundup. This weekend brought us back to Higher Ground - this time for Melissa Ferrick. The show marked the second MF show I've attended (albeit the first in ... three years?) and also the second trip to Higher Ground. That both Sister Hazel and Melissa went out of their way to comment on how amazing the Burlington music-loving audiences always are brought a smile to my face.

Note to all cheerleaders. Everywhere. LET THE COTTON-EYED JOE DIE ALREADY. God. My 11-year-old cousin was competing in an youth cheerleading competition, so I played good cousing and attended. If I can remember a cheerleading routine from 1996 (when I wasn't even a cheerleader - basketball, thank you!), it's been around too long.

I'm in a (somewhat uncharacteristic) people-loving mood this evening. My flatmates and I were lucky enough to receive a Julie visit this weekend, and she always brings a refreshing sense of giddy enthusiasm about everything. It's infectious, really. Although already a group pone to laughter, we wind up laughing even more during Julie weekends.

And then, rather than the energy crash that comes late on a Sunday afternoon, we wind up with iced lattes, Chinese food and plum Miso Pretty lip gloss I've been searching for for eons (Hush now - every gal needs to indulge in something frivilous and girly once in awhile). I also received the added grin-prompting bonus of a quick, random email from miles away just to say hi. See? I told you people are fabulous this evening.

Adding to the amusement? The Australian Web-surfer who stumbled across my blog by searching for "I adore Elizabeth Wakefield." The flatmate who surprised me with a perfectly-phrased cell phone call after overhearing my playful conversation with my other flatmate.

Hearing a voice behind me say dreamily, "I think in heaven, there are big whipped cream clouds covered in caramel, and iced latte swimming pools."

I might be weary, but I still have the energy to chuckle.

In other news. I received my pre-ordered copy of Averi's "Drawn to Revolving Doors" on Friday ... thoughts on it to come within the next day or two, as I'd like to give it a few listens first.

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