
nostaliga of nausea

status check - amused
background ambiance - rilo kiley

i've got this funny thing about calendar dates. once i associate a certain date with a certain event, i never forget it. birthdays of people i haven't seen in years, concerts, random events - i always wind up thinking of them years down the road.

it actually gets pretty annoying. today, for instance. i can't NOT acknowledge the date. i tried, i really did. but i see the calendar and just start chuckling.

when i walked in, i immediately recognized toca from the cbs morning show, but didn't see mraz right away ... i walked around the little club area, searching for a spare seat where i could curl up for a bit--anything. but there was nothing for me to do except stand there and try to not fall over or leave. i tried the standing bit for about five minutes before finally accepting that i was going to lose that little game (and, while i wanted to make an impression on mraz, i didn't want it to be "hey, that's the girl who passed out at my virginia show!"), so i was sensible and left ... i didn't want to, i was cursing myself during my entire walk back to the metro, trying to psych myself up to turn back and go back in. but i was so dizzy and felt so nauseous that i knew going home was the right thing. knowing it was the right thing, however, didn't make it suck any less. and, adding insult to injury, i wasn't able to get one of the live cds because they didn't have the merch table set up when i was getting ready to leave. so i'll have to order it online, i suppose ... but it wasn't a total loss. i got to see mraz, techically. i even got to hear him during soundcheck ...

it doesn't feel like it's only been two years since that first disastrous attempt at attending a marz show - how is it that so much happened in such a short time?

the funny thing about it is that i can still remember getting ready to head over to arlington from my office - i was so excited about getting to finally see this musician i'd heard so much about. i remember sitting at the bar, drinking my amaretto sour and trying to gather up the courage to say hello.

i didn't, as anyone who knows me can recall. instead, i felt ill and went home. whoops.

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