
not sure of exactly what i thought of today. random notes:

- long, long day. pulled overtime this week, which makes me happy because it means i'll make at least a little extra money. was also happy to get visits. :-)
- found the ideal vickie car, but i don't think there's any way i'll be able to afford it. but it's soooo right...
- came up with a couple of ideas for senior sem project
- saw "o brother where art thou?". fascinating to watch. i think i liked it? i'm 99% sure i liked it. i think i need to watch it again. regardlesss, new respect for george clooney.
- finally, finally saw "the seven little foys". my mother has been telling me since freshman year that i need to see this movie, because james cagney reprises his role as george m. cohan for a seven minute scene with bob hope. they dance on tables. reading cagney last summer further intrigued me, after learning about what went into the filming of that scene. cagney strained a muscle jumping onto the table at the beginning, to the point that when he was done, part of his leg was swollen twice its normal size. i looked at his face througout the scene, searching for a glimpse of pain. didn't find it at all. james cagney was grace and beauty when he danced. especially obvious when hope was dancing beside him (who did an excellent job mastering the steps, but he didn't have the natural poise and stature of a dancer). it was great to watch.
- flipping through the channels this evening, i came across one of the funniest things to watch--parliament debates on c-span (i think it's c-span). am i the only one who finds watching this hysterical? what i would give to see congress run the same way...it would certainly make me feel more inclined to focus on politics...
- wanting very much to get down to d.c. again sometime soon. STILL NEED TO FIND ROLL #2 OF FILM.
- feeling a bit happier.
- ticket still available for howie. if i don't find anyone around here who wants it, i'm offering it to the buzzing people tomorrow night. so let me know. perhaps cortni would want to come...
- have first managers' meeting at 10, so sleep is necessary.

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