
how shocked am i???? and i thought it would never happen... (note: see the entry just above june 12th)

i had my day today completely planned. i would wake up around 9:30 and listen to EQX all day because they were giving away DMB tickets to SPAC. and i wanted to go. i wound up staying up until amost three last night writing in my room--granted, it was pure drivel, but the fact remains that i was finally able to at least write something, no matter how wretched it was.

i awoke around 10:40 to a phone call from debi at work asking if i realized i was supposed to be in at 10:30. shit. i get to work and call home, asking my mother to listen to the radio if she could to try to win the tickets. only to find out that where my house is positioned (at the bottom of a hill), we can't get the station on any radio except the car steroes. but since debi loves me, i got to listen to the station all day while at work. unfortunately, i didn't win. if i actually had money, i'd buy a couple tickets and invite a princess up to vt...aurgh. i hate being poor.

i've officially seen it all at work, a recently married couple (we're talking still in gown and tuxedo) were waited on by yours truly today. i'll leave that at that.

not much else to report...except that today is cort's 21st birthday. yay!

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