
IM conversation with caswell:
ben: "hey vick?"
me: "hey"
ben: "did you go to a concert last night?"
me (thoroughly confused): "yes."
me (still confused): "howie day"
ben: "oh, ok, wrong one."
me (WTF?): "what?"
ben: "a girl who looked like you flashed the crowd at mine last night."

LOL. hmm...somehow i don't see flashing occuring at hd shows any time soon. just about as soon as people start crowdsurfing.


long shift at work. i need to wake up early and do something tomorrow morning and afternoon before work, some way of alleviating the pain in my legs. i've been downright vicious to my body the last couple of days.

in other news, it feels like i'm approaching christmas. i thought tonight about how i'm anxiously awaiting the arrival of my guitar. then i thought about waiting for my new glasses. and the radiohead and b.f.f. cds. could you imagine if i woke up tomorrow and got all of it on the same day?

now, naturally, i've jinxed it, but whatever.

the song of the night, for whatever reason, is dmb "lie in our graves". i could not stop playing it at work tonight and can't stop singing it now.

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