
i finally ordered the last of my cds with columbia house today. ordered radiohead (the bends) and ben folds five (forever and ever amen), two selections that i should have gotten eons ago anyway. looking forward to getting them, not only to enjoy the music, but to finally be free of columbia house FOREVER. hehehehe.
figured out financial aid today--turns out my experience with the playhouse is costing me more than i expected--subsidized, unsubsidized loans, yadda yadda. but yet another one of those "the experience was worth it" type of scenarios...
today has been a day of frustration and bittersweetness. frustration from examining everything i need to get done within the next year and bittersweetness because it seemed as if being in this position was never going to come. to think, at this time next year...

ah, i'd rather not think about it.
so, challenges ahead of me:
- buy car (work in progress)
- buy new guitar (work in progress)
- internship (aurgh)
- exec ed
- senior sem
- maintain sanity (the most difficult challenge of all)

but now, i have to go to work.

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