
friday five and feedback

1. what is your favorite scary movie?
i've never been overly down with scary movies - not necessarily that they freak me out, but that i just find them boring a great deal of the time. gore, scream. gore, gasp. gore, gore, gore. whoopdedo.
that said, i suppose my favorite would probably have to be "blair witch project." i was infatuated with the movie when it first came out - i loved that i was able to come up with my own ideas of the scariest kind of monster ever and affix those ideas to the actual film. it's one of those films that's considered by many to be cliched now, but at the time, it was killer.
that and "evil dead 2" - the cheesiest, most hilarious horror film in history, as far as i'm concerned ... the hand flipping over the main character and smashing plates against his head ... priceless.

2. what is your favorite halloween treat?
hmm ... probably sugar babies or milk duds? and of course peanut butter cups were always a major score.

3. do you dress up for halloween? if so, describe your best halloween costume.
i used to when i was little (let's give it up to going as rainbow brite back in my massachusetts days!) but stopped when i reached junior high because as a member of the marching band, we'd have to dress up for the halloween parade each year in some horrible costume relating to our song selection. so i wasn't able to dress up with my own free will. and some of the costumes were just wretched ... let's see - we did "phantom of the opera" (we looked more like washed-out vampires than phantoms), "the flinstones," "eye of the tiger," a christmas melody, "the simpsons," and ... oh yes, "the pink panther."
so i didn't have fun coming up with my own costumes until college. i think my favorite would probably have to have been ... little red riding hussy junior year (resurrected last year for the c.u. party). it's an adorable little red riding hood costume that, when i don't wear the hood, makes me look like i could very easily be a barwench for some pirate watering hole.

arrrrr, matey ...

4. do you enjoy going to haunted houses or other spooky events?
yes yes yes. pittsford holds a haunted house every year that's a lot of fun - the first time i went was in sixth grade, when i had a birthday party/sleepover where we all went to the haunted house and then came back home for movies and whatnot. my father chaperoned us and they made me be at the front of the line because it was my birthday (you go in a group, forming a line and holding each other's hand as you weave in and out of the rooms, led by a guide). now i get startled easily and at this time, i was scared very easily. by the second room, i was in tears and they moved me back to the back of the line with my father, the guide radioing ahead to be nice to the girl in the back because she's scared to death.

now, i love being scared. bring it on. i've been contemplating going to the haunted house again this year, as well as the ghost walk up in burlington.

5. will you dress up for halloween this year?
i think so ... there's not a lot to do around this area as far as celebration goes (i certainly would not have the opportunity to rock it at hard rock cafe like i did last year), but with halloween being a friday, i have a feeling i'll probably be assigned to something fun, hopefully requiring a costume, for my column. so i've got to figure out if i want to be l.r.r.h. again or if it's time to bust out the flapper dress. i love this stuff ...

i received my first correspondence relating to my writing from someone i've known in the past - the professor of one of my favorite college classes (shakespeare) sent an email this morning commenting on (praising) my "proof" review. hurrah!

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