
[[10 Bands You've Seen Live ]]
(i'm going with a random, crazy mix here - do not think i'm selecting my 10 favorite or anything)
1.. dave matthews band (1999, 2000. 2001)
2.. korn (1999)
3.. coldplay (2000)
4.. aerosmith (1993, 2000)
5.. new kids on the block (1989, 1990)
6.. live (1999, 2000)
7.. reel big fish (1998, 1999)
8.. edna's goldfish/step lively (1999)
9.. rancid (1998)
10.. cherry poppin' daddies (1998, 1999)

[[09 Things You're Looking Forward To]]
1.. breaking the mraz-less streak on thursday
2.. burlington
3.. paying my brother a proper visit
4.. the publication of the great american novel
5.. averi shows
6.. visiting friends in dc
7.. howie day's new album
8.. jason mraz's next album
9.. catching up with college cronies

[[08 Things You Wear Daily]]
1.. two rings - a comedy/tragendy mask ring on my right ring finger, a banded mood ring on my left middle finger.
2.. a necklace of some sort (generally either a small silver star or my irish knot pendant)
3.. now that it's getting colder, socks of some sort. :-(
4.. lip gloss of some kind - as i am, afterall, addicted
5.. underwear is rather essential, don't you think?
6.. glasses (at some point during the day)
7.. a pair of well-worn jeans (also at some point during the day)
8.. my quasi-messenger bag is on my person at some point during each day

[[07 Things That Annoy You]]
1.. people who see/want/crave drama (we're talking melodrama here)
2.. tickets sold to the public in a manner that the majority of the public can't take advantage of the opportunity (hi, union c.)
3.. day jobs
4.. cold, raw rain
5.. lack of communication
6.. bad editing
7.. not being able to remember details of specific memories

[[06 Things You Touch Every Day]]
1.. my computer keyboard
2.. my hair
3.. food
4.. my car keys
5.. a cup of coffee, whether iced or regular
6.. my cd player

[[05 People You'd Want to Spend More Time or Hang out With]]
1.. college friends
2.. paul
3.. my brother
4.. the staff of the f when i'm full-time
5.. jasonmraz. ;-)

[[04 Things You Do Every Day]]
1.. drive
2.. eat
3.. type
4.. laugh

[[03 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over]]
1.. yankee doodle dandy
2.. dead poet's society
3.. almost famous

[[02 Of Your Favorite Songs At This Moment]]
1.. galaxy - jason mraz (or jesus bobezus - hehehehe)
2.. sunday morning drive - howie day

[[01 Person You Could Spend the Rest of Your Life With]]
1.. i've gotta go with myself on this one right now.